Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What an Honor!

Desmond was chosen to portray baby Jesus in our ward Christmas Program last night. Some friends of ours were Mary and Joseph and held him while others sang songs about Jesus, Joseph, and then Mary.  It was so sweet to sit there and watch my baby portray our Savior.

(I also enjoyed having the whole ward swoon over him.)

Desmond did terrific through the first song.  They had to give him his bright blue binky during the second song.  And then when the pacifier wasn't cutting it, they had to give him a bottle during the last song. Maybe not the most authentic, but what do you want, it was his first performance...he didn't even rehearse.

After the program was over they served refreshments in the Relief Society room.  So many people stopped us to praise Desmond that by the time we got to the refreshments they were already putting them away.

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